
KRASA's Saturday

Today, I went for a walk about 1 hour with KRASA and BANBI(my weimaraner,female).

KRASA is coming to spend happily. It is evidence that KRASA's tail. When I call her name, KRASA was singing and shake her tail.

KRASA took a nap in entrance to my daughter's room. She appears that her favorite place.
But I go away from KRASA, she comes wake up soon. Anytime anywhere, KRASA was stayed at my side. I wonder if that's her homesick? Because when I went away,she sound piping.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I think that I am really glad because I come from Poland where KRASA is far to Japan.
    It cried because it was impressed when there was a report when having arrived at New Tokyo International Airport.
    It looks forward to the day when it can meet KRASA and BANBI.  
